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The students of the Saint-Jean d'Angély campus, located to the east of Nice, are going to have a nice surprise for their new school year. An imposing fresco has been placed on a wall of the building. 

This vast work of 10 by 6 metres is the work of César Malfi, a young local artist que Nice-Presse whom Nice-Presse had met in January 2022.This time, street art invites itself into a place of education with a fresco representing ancient statues, a preponderant theme for the creator.

This style of art in a place of learning is a logical evolution in the development of urban cultures in our city. For some years now, Nissa la bella lends its walls to urban artists, with spaces granted by the city council and private owners, and even becomes a small paradise for lovers of the genre"We can say that it has had an educational role for the population of Nice. They realised that there was a huge difference between graffiti artists who deface and street artists. said in our columns Robert Roux, Deputy Mayor for Culture.

César Malfi is not a newcomer. We owe him creations under the arcades of the Galeries Lafayette Masséna , but also a fresco at the Château de Crémat or a revisited poster of the Nice Jazz Festival..

Fresque au campus Saint-Jean d’Angély de Nice
Fresque au campus Saint-Jean d’Angély de Nice
Fresque au campus Saint-Jean d’Angély