Lovely Tension, Saint-Jean-d'Angély Campus, Nice, 2022, spray paint

"Kiss who you want" the song tells us. Or who you can, this split fresco seems to tell us. Because the caesura that separates these two walls symbolizes the void to be filled in order to be able to kiss.
From this cut-out architectural space, two superimposed passageways, César Malfi exploits the narrative potential by choosing to represent the famous sculpture
Psyche Revived by the Kiss of Cupid by Canova.

By doubling the lovers' embrace, he sums up for us, in a hollow way, this love story strewn with obstacles and whose happy outcome will be accomplished in a kiss. If the beauty and youth of the suitors refer to the student population that occupies this campus, the sensuality of the pose combined with the whiteness of the marble delivers a message of purity, serenity, and ingenuousness.

To this idealized neoclassical aesthetic, the artist wants to bring a touch of modernity, a topicality. Then, on the sides, two faces with naive features are invited, recalling this free line borrowed, at choice, from the portraits of Matisse or from Cocteau's Enfants terribles.
Through this contemporary writing, which is not without evoking his past as a graffiti artist, César brings the past back to life. To make us embrace it better?

University of Nice Côte d'Azur, University of Saint-Jean d'Angély, August 2022.